Raising The Bar

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Raising The Bar

Helping Miami and the Beaches
Save the planet … one bar at a time!

What is Raising The Bar?

Raising the Bar (RTB) is an innovative educational recycling initiative, which aims to create a regular practice of responsible disposal of recyclables by bars, nightclubs and restaurants in Miami Beach and Miami.  A large majority of these local establishments are not presently recycling, thus sending valuable  resources to our already crowded landfills.  RTB supports the implementation of an effective recycling program for a greener, more sustainable community.


To promote sustainable recycling practices for bars, restaurants and nightclubs in Miami Beach and Miami  that will assist venues to:

  1. Implement  an effective recycling program
  2. Save money on their monthly waste bill
  3. Protect the environment at the same time

ECOMB’s RTB Team provides an on-site orientation for venues’ staff and overseas the implementation of the program. 

Each establishment’s recycling efforts is honored with a bamboo plaque, door seal and a presence in our RTB page. The Program leads to a network of responsible venues, which supports and encourages other bars, nightclubs and restaurants to move towards more sustainable  practices.

The RTB Program hopes to engage the community by building a working relationships between local venues and recycling companies, with confidence that this will dramatically alleviate pressure on our landfills while at the same time benefit the partnership both social and economically.


Increasing your business’ green image by cutting your waste bill, conserving natural resources and making a huge difference in the community. 







ECOMB, Inc. • 210 Second Street • Miami Beach • Fl • 33139 • 305.534.3825
Luiz Rodrigues, Executive Director: 786.853.1855 • [email protected]